Friday, July 10, 2015

Ten reasons why artificial grass is the way forward!

Gardens across the nation are making the switch... from real to fake. Now this is no case for alarm. It now seems that people are deciding to lay the foundation, the foundation to a better lawn.

Artificial grass lawns are becoming the new norm, among both garden enthusiasts and the average Joe. The recent surge in synthetic styled gardens allowed people with more hectic lives to still attain the immaculate garden they always wished for, without the hassle of having to meticulously tending to it.

Now I know this might all sound a little too good to be true, but rest assured that making the move from the endless slog of real grass to the simply sublime styling's an artificial lawn will be the best thing you've ever done! Here are the ten reasons why we at RC Artificial Grass think that artificial are really the way forward.

1)      Low maintenance - With an artificial lawn you're free to spend your lazy Sunday's just being that....lazy! An artificial lawn requires minimal attention compared to its real counterpart. No longer will you be under the thumb of the three big M's - Mowing, Mud and Moisture (okay watering but you get it).

2)      Longevity - A common misconception about artificial grass is that after a little wear and tear you'll be pretty much stuck in the mud. But allow us to be lay your mind (as well as your lawn) to rest.  All of RC Artificial Grass lawns are made to the highest quality without compromising on realism. Most companies guarantee their lawns for 5 years here at RC we guarantee ours for 8 years for added that piece of mind. For a more information about all our lawns and services click here.

3)      Safety - At RC Artificial Grass safety is always at the top of our list in everything we do. Your lawn should be no different. All our lawns are cultivated to the highest standards possible, ready to meet all needs. Our informative and clear lawn guides will help you find the perfect patch for you. Unlike old synthetic grass ours infused with soft polythene fibers which are non-abrasive, so you won't have to worry about any cuts or scrapes. With lawns suitable for children, dogs and everything else in between we have you covered!

4)      Free flowing - You'd be excused for thinking that an artificial lawn would be prone to flooding, but that's where you're wrong! Ours won't flood like the titanic, as ours have holes in backing allowing for the water to flow free. Just like water should.

5)      Environmental - For all you eco - warriors out there you needn't worry about harming mother earth. Because unlike real grass, artificial grass doesn't need to be watered (water bill saving whey!) You'll also be happy to know that chemical fertilizers and weed killers will be but a distant memory as artificial grass doesn't need them. Which brings us to the "pièce de résistance" (the best bit), the dramatic reduction in your carbon footprint. This due to the fact you'll never have to use a lawnmower again!

6)      DIY - With our comprehensive step by step guide laying artificial grass has never been easier. We make it simple to achieve the garden you deserve.

7)      Commercially viable - If you thought artificial lawns were just a novel look for your home then you are mistaken. Artificial grass is both a unique and professional way of sprucing up that lackluster display for a range of corporate events. It's portable and multi-faceted nature means that it can go places that real grass just can't.

8)      Aesthetically sound - We want your gardens to look great all year round, that's why we made our lawns to be exactly that. All our lawns are UV stable, all that means is that they'll never fade even in the harsh conditions.

9)      Economical - As fore mentioned synthetic grass is a great way of saving you time, but another great quality is that you stand to save a shed load of money too! No more having to shell out on that top of the range lawnmower or all manner of lawn concoctions. Artificial grass does away with all of that, leaving more money in your pocket and less in the hands of the DIY giants. (Ahem B&Q!)

10)   Simply perfect - At RC Artificial Grass we make sure that you get the perfect lawn. Delivering a service second to none, from start to finish. Don't have time to do it yourself don't worry about! We'll do it all for you at a time and price that is simply perfect. For more information about our installation service please click here.

So there you have it, ten great reasons why artificial grass is the way forward. So there should nothing holding you back get in contact with us today and make an artificial lawn your reality! 

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