Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Look After Your Artificial Grass

Artificial grass is low maintenance; not no maintenance. Whilst it does not require watering or mowing like traditional lawns, there is some upkeep required to make sure it stays in good condition. Just like with any home (or in this case garden) furnishing, you need to care for your artificial lawn on a regular basis so that it lasts longer and proves to be a good investment. A little goes a long way and carrying out just a little light maintenance work once a month can save you a huge job at the end of the year. So let's take a look at how to care for your artificial lawn in a way that keeps it green and lush for longer.

Brush It Off

When artificial lawns are newly laid they have a sand infill that slowly structures the turf. In order to ensure the turf is in optimum condition when it settles, it is important to tend to the lawn regularly over the first 6-8 weeks. All you need to do is lightly brush the grass on a regular basis, but not too forcefully as it could misshape the turf.

After this initial period (6-8 weeks) and for the rest of the lawn's life, you will only ever need to brush the lawn to give it a spruce up. Brushing it just once a month is ideal but make sure you brush it in all different directions so you keep the turf pile bouncy and upright - think fluffy not comb over.

Of course, you will need the best brush for the job and we suggest a medium soft bristle brush which will be gentle but effective on the artificial grass. Although brushing with a soft-bristled brush might seem like light work, it will make a noticeable difference to the appearance and condition of your lawn.

De-Debris Your Lawn

Artificial grass lawns have a membrane backing that, though ideal for letting water run through, minimize the risk of unwanted plants and weeds that grow through normal grass patches. That said, the tenacity of certain weeds and mosses means the odd one may come through anyway so it is best to be prepared and know how to tackle weeds and moss should they appear. Unlike when you weed natural grass, you can't go digging through your artificial grass with a trowel or fork. Instead you have two choices; the first is to focus purely on the cosmetic, taking off the tops of weeds when they show through the grass, without really addressing the root of the problem. Alternatively you could use a moss or weed killer BUT make sure it is a water based solution, so as not to damage the grass. Once the moss and weeds are dead you can simply remove them by hand or brush them off.

Any organic debris like leaves and dead plants should be removed from your artificial lawn as quickly as possible. This is because a build-up of organic matter can damage the lawn's drainage and encourage weed growth. You can collect the debris by hand, with a brush or even using a leaf blower - just make sure you keep on top of it.

Stubborn Stain Removal

The resistant material of an artificial grass lawn means you ought to be able to remove most satins and marks quickly, using hot soapy water (washing up liquid is fine for the job. Tougher oil marks and such can be removed using a cloth and some mineral spirits. If you have to clean up animal mess then make sure it is removed as soon as possible, followed by a wash of the area if needed.

Bonus Tips

·         Try not to use sharp objects on your grass

·         Make sure you keep your chewing gum and adhesives well away from your synthetic lawn

·         Keep motor vehicles off the artificial grass, except for wheelbarrows, bicycles and wheelchairs which are fine on it

·         Don't keep/use sources of heat on the artificial grass (or too near to it). Smoking, bonfires and fireworks are all no-goes and barbecues are best done of safe, solid surfaces like gravel or slabs

·         Watch out for the damage children and pets can do to artificial lawns. Dogs will normally be put off digging in the presence of artificial grass but on the odd occasion they do dig, they run the risk of ripping the underlay. Similarly, if children purposely pick off blades of synthetic grass your lawn will look bald because the grass won't grow back. An artificial lawn is ideal for kids and pets but make sure you pay attention to how they treat it

These are just a few, simple steps to maintaining an artificial lawn so it stays in top condition, for longer. If you have any other queries on how to care for yours or if you would like to discuss the benefits of artificial grass in more detail then get in touch with RC Artificial Grass today - we're always happy to help with any questions or queries you may have!

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