Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Synthetic Lawns vs. Natural Grass

When it comes to the choice between synthetic grass lawns and natural grass, both come with reasonable positives and inevitable negatives and it can be difficult to make a decision for homeowners.

For starters, natural grass of course removes carbon dioxide from the air and produces oxygen through a natural process known as photosynthesis which can provide healthy, fresh air surrounding the home or property. Furthermore, natural grass can bring a great sense of organic nature to the garden, something that many homeowners very much enjoy.

So, why don't a growing number of people stick with natural grass? Well, one of the reasons is that natural grass can prove to be fairly hard to maintain to a satisfactory standard. Although when preserved natural grass can provide a fantastic view, getting to this stage can be difficult especially if you live somewhere that is prone to frequent rain showers or excessive heat which can flood or dry out your garden massively. Another reason is that natural grass is more likely to attract insects, which may damage your garden and ruin its appearance.

Synthetic grass lawns do not have this problem nor do they carry the burden of harmful chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. As they eliminate the problem of insects and dry muddy patches they look beautiful all year round and are fully season-proof. Not only this, they can also save the time, money and energy spent trying to preserve a natural grass lawn. As natural grass lawns require watering on a regular basis, you will be saving a lot on your water bills, as artificial grasses require only a little water to wash away the dirt collected on the lawn.

In addition artificial lawns can be ideal as they require no mowing or trimming to keep in pristine condition meaning that you can dedicate your free time to growing plants or flowers to spruce up the appearance of your garden.

Many people are discouraged by fake lawns as they do not know how to lay artificial grass however, experts come at a price suitable for most homeowners and installation is both easy and time-efficient when placed in the hands of a specialist.

If you're interested in investing in a synthetic grass lawn or you wish to consult a specialist as to which is the best option for your location, please do not hesitate to get in touch with RC Artificial Grass today to find out more. 

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