Tuesday, August 4, 2015

3 Places to Use Artificial Grass

 RC Artificial Grass offers a tailored solution and a diverse range of fake lawns so that you can get the most from your garden. Previously we've spoken about the major benefits of investing in artificial grass for your home, though we've not gone into much detail of using the lawns to their full potential. Fake lawns open a lot of doors for not only your home, but also the interior décor for your business. Below we have compiled just 3 unconventional ways and places you can use artificial grass.

Trade Shows

If the venue allows it, laying a stretch of artificial grass beneath your exhibition stands and displays can be a great way to attract attention and stand out from the crowd. Not only can you expect a lot of visitors to your stand, but fake lawns are robust and do not show signs of wear and tear easily, making them an ideal addition to events like a trade show where there is a high amount of footfall.

In addition, even if people don't visit your stand, your choice of lawn can make a huge impact on passers-by who may distinctly remember your stand, therefore helping to raise brand awareness. If you don't want to go all-out and cover the whole of your floor space, why not use patches of the lawn to display your products on? They will provide a soft cushioning for your samples and products and will stand out amongst a collection of conventional displays.

This idea of using artificial grass to draw attention to products can also be used in shops and markets to help attract attention and physically promote your product, making it memorable and unique.

Meditation Room

If you'd like to make your meditation room feel more natural, aside from taking your practice outside in the temperamental California weather, you can use artificial grass to spruce the place up a bit. Not only will this provide you with a soft carpet of realistic looking fake grass making it perfect for meditation and light yoga practice, it will also enhance the appearance of the room and takes next to no time to measure, cut and install.

Also, as these lawns are available in a variety of colors, it means that you can pick the style that best suits the existing décor of your room; from summer lawn to spring lawn, this diversity allows our consumers to mix and match at their will.


As fake lawns drain water quickly and efficiently, they are ideal alternative to pavement by the poolside. They are both practical and appealing as they can be easily washed following a session of muddy, wet feet and look neat and tidy surrounding the pool.

If you don't want to cover the whole poolside in fake grass, you can cover select areas where people are likely to get out of the pool or create a pattern using square tiles or stones and fake lawn.

These are just three places you can use artificial grass. Do you have any more ideas for how you can use our fake lawns? 


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Myths Regarding Artificial Grass

Innovation in any field be it medicine, travel or technology has always had its fair share of critics. Even when the positives far outweigh the negatives, there are always a few voices of critique. Artificial grass it would seem was not spared either in that regard. It is one of the best breakthroughs in landscape design yet to this day there remain several common misconceptions. This will be the topic of today's discussion as we take a look at some of these theories and debunk them in order to set the record straight.
False Theory No. 1 - Too Expensive
Critics have long complained about artificial grass being too expensive. However, to call it too expensive is unfair. It suggests that there is a huge difference between it and natural grass cost-wise, which is simply not true at all. Anyone can afford artificial grass today.
Artificial grass is quite reasonably priced today. The larger the lawn, the more the cost. If there is any pre-existing grass, it would need to be taken out and the entire surface leveled. This also adds to the overall cost. The type of artificial grass used also impacts price. There are different types of grass that range in type of material used and durability. Each is different in price to allow more people the option to use them in their landscape. The truth of the matter is that artificial grass is now a very cost effective and eco-friendly way to enhance the look of your lawn.
False Theory No. 2 - Only Lasts 20 Years
Only 20 years? That's it? 20 years is actually a very long time! Most cars don't last this long yet people have no qualms about upgrading them after just a few years. What's so bad about artificial grass and its 20-year long durability then? Artificial grass is long lasting and its benefits can be reaped for more than a decade. In other words, one investment in artificial grass could potentially last through half your entire mortgage. A ringing endorsement by all means.
False Theory No. 3 - Doesn't Look Like the Real Thing
Artificial grass has evolved tremendously over the years. It can be easily installed and/or replaced with very little effort. What's more, it is hard tell the difference between a real grass landscape and an artificial grass landscape. Visually speaking, if both are placed right next to each other, you won't see any difference.
We hope this clarifies some misconceptions regarding artificial grass and sets the record straight. RC Artificial Grass is a renowned supplier and installer of artificial grass in the Los Angeles. We have over 10 years of experience in the supply and installation of artificial grass and artificial lawns. For more information, our complete range of products can be viewed on our website, alternatively feel free to get in touch and we will answer any queries which you may have! 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Its Time to Fake it

People are always very particular about their lawns and for good reason. A back yard is a perfect opportunity to try out new ideas, implement new landscape designs, maybe even start gardening as a hobby. So it is only natural for people to be picky about every single aspect from the design to the type of grass used.

There are literally dozens of innovative ways to design a lush green lawn but artificial grass has moved into the domestic spotlight over the last decade. It was and still is one of the most widely used grasses in sports and has also gained prominence in the residential sector and is now a common addition to many homes.

These benefits are not unfamiliar to people. Low maintenance, low cost, no mowing or cutting, natural green look; these are some of the hallmark features of fake grass. However in today's post we will look beyond that and highlight some of the other reasons why it would be a good idea to invest in artificial grass instead of the natural alternative.

Rooftop Gardens

If your home sports a rooftop garden, then artificial grass would be a great option to consider. In fact in many cases it might be your only option. Rooftop gardens cannot support the weight of a natural lawn and soil. Artificial grass is lighter, easier to install and on top of that, it enhances the look of rooftop gardens.

Barren Areas

While not uncommon, there are some areas where growing grass naturally can prove to be next to impossible. This could be due to a number of reasons ranging from extreme weather and drought conditions to very quality of the soil itself. Such situations are another one of those dead ends, where artificial grass would be the only logical way forward.

Pet Friendly

Fake grass is pet friendly because it is made with environmentally friendly fibers and is easy to clean. Pets can make a lawn messy in no time. Cleaning it can be a daunting task should on natural grass surface. With artificial grass, it is a walk in the park.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

This may not rank in the top ten list for most people when it comes to lawn and landscape design but people who are cautious about being green tend to use artificial grass for their front lawn and back yard. It is made of environment friendly components and its eco-friendly. More and more people opting for this approach in order to make the environment cleaner, safer and healthier.

High Quality

Arguably, the number one reason why fake lawns are so popular is because of its high quality and realistic appearance. In some cases, you can't tell one from the other. For homeowners, this means they get the lush green natural grass look as well as the eco-friendly benefits of the artificial grass, which makes it a no brainer.

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned scenarios then it's time to use fake grass. It is a great investment no doubt and for some people, it's not a matter of choice but rather of logic and reason. The point to take from this post is that no matter what the situation, artificial grass can transform your lawn into a lush green landscape. For more details on this topic, contact Artificial Lawns or browse the complete range online.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ten reasons why artificial grass is the way of the future

Gardens across the nation are making the switch... from real to fake. Now this is no case for alarm. It now seems that people are deciding to lay the foundation, the foundation to a better lawn.

Artificial grass lawns are becoming the new norm, among both garden enthusiasts and the average Joe. The recent surge in synthetic styled gardens allowed people with more hectic lives to still attain the immaculate garden they always wished for, without the hassle of having to meticulously tending to it.

Now I know this might all sound a little too good to be true, but rest assured that making the move from the endless slog of real grass to the simply sublime styling's an artificial lawn will be the best thing you've ever done! Here are the ten reasons why we at RC Artificial Grass think that artificial are really the way forward.

1)      Low maintenance - With an artificial lawn you're free to spend your lazy Sunday's just being that....lazy! An artificial lawn requires minimal attention compared to its real counterpart. No longer will you be under the thumb of the three big M's - Mowing, Mud and Moisture (okay watering but you get it).

2)      Longevity - A common misconception about artificial grass is that after a little wear and tear you'll be pretty much stuck in the mud. But allow us to be lay your mind (as well as your lawn) to rest.  All of RC Artificial Grass lawns are made to the highest quality without compromising on realism. Most companies guarantee their lawns for 5 years here at RC Artificial Grass we guarantee ours for 20 years for added that piece of mind. For a more information about all our lawns and services click here.

3)      Safety - At RC Artificial Grass safety is always at the top of our list in everything we do. Your lawn should be no different. All our lawns are cultivated to the highest standards possible, ready to meet all needs. Our informative and clear lawn guides will help you find the perfect patch for you. Unlike old synthetic grass ours infused with soft polyurethane fibers which are non-abrasive, so you won't have to worry about any cuts or scrapes. With lawns suitable for children, dogs and everything else in between we have you covered!

4)      Free flowing - You'd be excused for thinking that an artificial lawn would be prone to flooding, but that's where you're wrong! Ours won't flood like the titanic, as ours have holes in backing allowing for the water to flow free. Just like water should.

5)      Environmental - For all you eco - warriors out there you needn't worry about harming mother earth. Because unlike real grass, artificial grass doesn't need to be watered (water bill saving whey!) You'll also be happy to know that chemical fertilizers and weed killers will be but a distant memory as artificial grass doesn't need them. Which brings us to the "pièce de résistance" (the best bit), the dramatic reduction in your carbon footprint. This due to the fact you'll never have to use a lawnmower again! Result.

6)      DIY - With our comprehensive step by step guide laying artificial grass has never been easier. We make it simple to achieve the garden you deserve. To see just how it easy it is click here to view our video installation guide.

7)      Commercially viable - If you thought artificial lawns were just a novel look for your home then you are mistaken. Artificial grass is both a unique and professional way of sprucing up that lackluster display for a range of corporate events. It's portable and multi-faceted nature means that it can go places that real grass just can't.

8)      Aesthetically sound - We want your gardens to look great all year round, that's why we made our lawns to be exactly that. All our lawns are UV stable, all that means is that they'll never fade even in the harsh conditions.

9)      Economical - As fore mentioned synthetic grass is a great way of saving you time, but another great quality is that you stand to save a shed load of money too! No more having to shell out on that top of the range lawnmower or all manner of lawn concoctions. Artificial grass does away with all of that, leaving more money in your pocket and less in the hands of the DIY giants. (Ahem B&Q!)

10)   Simply perfect - At RC Artificial Grass we make sure that you get the perfect lawn. Delivering a service second to none, from start to finish. Don't have time to do it yourself don't worry about! We'll do it all for you at a time and price that is simply perfect. For more information about our installation service please click here.

So there you have it, ten great reasons why artificial grass is the way forward. So there should nothing holding you back get in contact with us today and make an artificial lawn your reality! 

Monday, July 27, 2015

How To Look After Your Artificial Grass

Artificial grass is low maintenance; not no maintenance. Whilst it does not require watering or mowing like traditional lawns, there is some upkeep required to make sure it stays in good condition. Just like with any home (or in this case garden) furnishing, you need to care for your artificial lawn on a regular basis so that it lasts longer and proves to be a good investment. A little goes a long way and carrying out just a little light maintenance work once a month can save you a huge job at the end of the year. So let's take a look at how to care for your artificial lawn in a way that keeps it green and lush for longer.

Brush It Off

When artificial lawns are newly laid they have a sand infill that slowly structures the turf. In order to ensure the turf is in optimum condition when it settles, it is important to tend to the lawn regularly over the first 6-8 weeks. All you need to do is lightly brush the grass on a regular basis, but not too forcefully as it could misshape the turf.

After this initial period (6-8 weeks) and for the rest of the lawn's life, you will only ever need to brush the lawn to give it a spruce up. Brushing it just once a month is ideal but make sure you brush it in all different directions so you keep the turf pile bouncy and upright - think fluffy not comb over.

Of course, you will need the best brush for the job and we suggest a medium soft bristle brush which will be gentle but effective on the artificial grass. Although brushing with a soft-bristled brush might seem like light work, it will make a noticeable difference to the appearance and condition of your lawn.

De-Debris Your Lawn

Artificial grass lawns have a membrane backing that, though ideal for letting water run through, minimize the risk of unwanted plants and weeds that grow through normal grass patches. That said, the tenacity of certain weeds and mosses means the odd one may come through anyway so it is best to be prepared and know how to tackle weeds and moss should they appear. Unlike when you weed natural grass, you can't go digging through your artificial grass with a trowel or fork. Instead you have two choices; the first is to focus purely on the cosmetic, taking off the tops of weeds when they show through the grass, without really addressing the root of the problem. Alternatively you could use a moss or weed killer BUT make sure it is a water based solution, so as not to damage the grass. Once the moss and weeds are dead you can simply remove them by hand or brush them off.

Any organic debris like leaves and dead plants should be removed from your artificial lawn as quickly as possible. This is because a build-up of organic matter can damage the lawn's drainage and encourage weed growth. You can collect the debris by hand, with a brush or even using a leaf blower - just make sure you keep on top of it.

Stubborn Stain Removal

The resistant material of an artificial grass lawn means you ought to be able to remove most satins and marks quickly, using hot soapy water (washing up liquid is fine for the job. Tougher oil marks and such can be removed using a cloth and some mineral spirits. If you have to clean up animal mess then make sure it is removed as soon as possible, followed by a wash of the area if needed.

Bonus Tips

·         Try not to use sharp objects on your grass

·         Make sure you keep your chewing gum and adhesives well away from your synthetic lawn

·         Keep motor vehicles off the artificial grass, except for wheelbarrows, bicycles and wheelchairs which are fine on it

·         Don't keep/use sources of heat on the artificial grass (or too near to it). Smoking, bonfires and fireworks are all no-goes and barbecues are best done of safe, solid surfaces like gravel or slabs

·         Watch out for the damage children and pets can do to artificial lawns. Dogs will normally be put off digging in the presence of artificial grass but on the odd occasion they do dig, they run the risk of ripping the underlay. Similarly, if children purposely pick off blades of synthetic grass your lawn will look bald because the grass won't grow back. An artificial lawn is ideal for kids and pets but make sure you pay attention to how they treat it

These are just a few, simple steps to maintaining an artificial lawn so it stays in top condition, for longer. If you have any other queries on how to care for yours or if you would like to discuss the benefits of artificial grass in more detail then get in touch with RC Artificial Grass today - we're always happy to help with any questions or queries you may have!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Ten reasons why artificial grass is the way forward!

Gardens across the nation are making the switch... from real to fake. Now this is no case for alarm. It now seems that people are deciding to lay the foundation, the foundation to a better lawn.

Artificial grass lawns are becoming the new norm, among both garden enthusiasts and the average Joe. The recent surge in synthetic styled gardens allowed people with more hectic lives to still attain the immaculate garden they always wished for, without the hassle of having to meticulously tending to it.

Now I know this might all sound a little too good to be true, but rest assured that making the move from the endless slog of real grass to the simply sublime styling's an artificial lawn will be the best thing you've ever done! Here are the ten reasons why we at RC Artificial Grass think that artificial are really the way forward.

1)      Low maintenance - With an artificial lawn you're free to spend your lazy Sunday's just being that....lazy! An artificial lawn requires minimal attention compared to its real counterpart. No longer will you be under the thumb of the three big M's - Mowing, Mud and Moisture (okay watering but you get it).

2)      Longevity - A common misconception about artificial grass is that after a little wear and tear you'll be pretty much stuck in the mud. But allow us to be lay your mind (as well as your lawn) to rest.  All of RC Artificial Grass lawns are made to the highest quality without compromising on realism. Most companies guarantee their lawns for 5 years here at RC we guarantee ours for 8 years for added that piece of mind. For a more information about all our lawns and services click here.

3)      Safety - At RC Artificial Grass safety is always at the top of our list in everything we do. Your lawn should be no different. All our lawns are cultivated to the highest standards possible, ready to meet all needs. Our informative and clear lawn guides will help you find the perfect patch for you. Unlike old synthetic grass ours infused with soft polythene fibers which are non-abrasive, so you won't have to worry about any cuts or scrapes. With lawns suitable for children, dogs and everything else in between we have you covered!

4)      Free flowing - You'd be excused for thinking that an artificial lawn would be prone to flooding, but that's where you're wrong! Ours won't flood like the titanic, as ours have holes in backing allowing for the water to flow free. Just like water should.

5)      Environmental - For all you eco - warriors out there you needn't worry about harming mother earth. Because unlike real grass, artificial grass doesn't need to be watered (water bill saving whey!) You'll also be happy to know that chemical fertilizers and weed killers will be but a distant memory as artificial grass doesn't need them. Which brings us to the "pièce de résistance" (the best bit), the dramatic reduction in your carbon footprint. This due to the fact you'll never have to use a lawnmower again!

6)      DIY - With our comprehensive step by step guide laying artificial grass has never been easier. We make it simple to achieve the garden you deserve.

7)      Commercially viable - If you thought artificial lawns were just a novel look for your home then you are mistaken. Artificial grass is both a unique and professional way of sprucing up that lackluster display for a range of corporate events. It's portable and multi-faceted nature means that it can go places that real grass just can't.

8)      Aesthetically sound - We want your gardens to look great all year round, that's why we made our lawns to be exactly that. All our lawns are UV stable, all that means is that they'll never fade even in the harsh conditions.

9)      Economical - As fore mentioned synthetic grass is a great way of saving you time, but another great quality is that you stand to save a shed load of money too! No more having to shell out on that top of the range lawnmower or all manner of lawn concoctions. Artificial grass does away with all of that, leaving more money in your pocket and less in the hands of the DIY giants. (Ahem B&Q!)

10)   Simply perfect - At RC Artificial Grass we make sure that you get the perfect lawn. Delivering a service second to none, from start to finish. Don't have time to do it yourself don't worry about! We'll do it all for you at a time and price that is simply perfect. For more information about our installation service please click here.

So there you have it, ten great reasons why artificial grass is the way forward. So there should nothing holding you back get in contact with us today and make an artificial lawn your reality! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How Can Artificial Grass Help With Hay Fever?

There are 12 million hay fever sufferers in U.S., all of whom will be keeping a keen eye on the weather forecasts and pollen counts as they brace themselves for an itchy, sniffly spring and summer. All winter long we have longed for milder weather and blossoming trees but now hay fever season is nearly upon us, we need to be practical and look at ways to prevent or cure its symptoms so our spring and summer isn't ruined. So if you or someone you know suffers from hay fever, this quick guide to hay fever is for you. Read on to find out what you are dealing with and how to combat it:

Hay Fever: The Basics

What Is Hay Fever?

Simply put, hay fever is an allergy to pollen. Pollen is the fine powder produced by flowers, plants and trees. It is carried from high pollen areas to the faces of hay fever sufferers by the wind, birds and bees. Grass and hay pollens are particularly aggravating to hay fever sufferers but grass pollen is the most common - and often the most severe - allergen. Spring and summer (May through July) are grass pollination season and incidentally, hay fever is at its worst during these seasons. Your immune system reacts to the pollen and causes several (in some cases debilitating) symptoms. Hay fever is the pollen affecting the cells in the lining of your nose and eyes, causing them to release chemicals that inflame the eyes and nose

What Are The Symptoms?

·         Common symptoms are:

·         A runny, itchy nose

·         A blocked nose

·         Sneezing

·         Itchy, watery and red eyes

·         An itchy throat

Less common symptoms are:

·        Loss of smell
·         Facial pain
·         Sweats
·         Headaches

How Do People Alleviate Hay Fever Symptoms?

Pollen is impossible to avoid completely but trying to limit your exposure can help. Here are some ways to go about limiting your exposure to pollen:

·         Check television, newspaper, radio and internet weather forecasts for the pollen count (the number of pollen grains per cubic metre of air) Note: a high count is 50 or more
·         Stay indoors as much as possible, keeping doors and windows closed
·         Avoid grassy places, camping and mowing/mowed lawns
·         After being outdoors (especially in the countryside) shower and wash your hair
·         Keep your car windows closed and think about investing in a pollen filter for your air vents
·         Use sprays, medication, drops and antihistamines; they can be over the counter or prescribed

Artificial Grass: The New Solution

Artificial grass is actually a great solution to hay fever because it does not contain the same irritant materials as natural grass does. Natural grass houses all sorts of irritant particles like pollen, dust and mold. When disturbed (by mowing etc.) these particles become airborne and affect hay fever sufferers, making your own back garden you worst enemy in summer months. Whilst synthetic grass won't cause your hay fever to disappear altogether, it will reduce the highly irritant grass pollen count in your immediate home vicinity so you can at least sit out and enjoy your own garden.

If you are interested in artificial grass as a way to combat hay fever then please contact RC Artificial Grass  today - we are happy to help!